In the picture to the left are the five
Wilt brothers, Harry(Preach)1897-1980,
Henry(Hen) 1898-1923, was killed in
a mining accident. George (Flick) 1900-1962,
Ernest (Pude), 1902-1961, Herbert
Their clothing worn in the picture was made
by their older sister and only girl in the family,
Susie, (Sis) 1895-1984.
The picture on the right is my father, Herbert Wilt
taken when he was approxiamtely 6 years of age on
his uncles farm.

These are two people that influenced me to go into the service. On the left is
my uncle George. He joined the United States Marines in 1926 and served for
six years with a tour in China. On the right is Laree McRobie (Socks) who
went into the Marines in 1926 and remained in the Marines for over thirty years before
his retirement. Socks was a first cousin, the son of grandmother's brother.

My father
Herbert Stanley Wilt
(Bud) born in McHenry, MD 1904 and died Fairmont , WV 1985

The picture on the left of Harry M. Wilt 1897-1980 and the picture on
the right of Ernest T. Wilt 1902-1961. Both were taken in 1920's.
These three small pictures are of course of me, Dick Wilt. On the left is a
picture taken in front of my home just after Thanksgiving 1950. I was fourteen years
old. It had snowed 48 inches over the previous few days. The middle picture was taken when
I was twenty one years old, while serving with the US Navy in Bremerhaven, Germany. The
picture on the right was taken at my last re-enlistment ceremony in the Panama Canal
Zone in 1969. I served from 1955 until 1974 with the United States Naval Security Group,
in several overseas stations. I retired from Homestead Airforce Base, Florida on July 15, 1974
as a Chief Commmunications Technician (Technical Branch)(CTTC)
U.S. Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association
American Legion National Hq.
National Security Agency
Central Intelligence Agency
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Now that we have a new President ,
let us hope he can do something about the mess that Obama left behind
"Photo Gallery"